Friday, December 6, 2013

Secure printed wallet PoC / experiment 2 ( better materials + 2 strategies )

After struggle with sticky paper here it's some transparent paper in my hands. I have performed few experiments two different approaches and def. the results are just perfect.

Here it is the result from one of them:

Just perfect!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Secure printed wallet PoC / experiment

After solving the problem in teory (adding extra security on paper wallet / cold storage), little math and PoC software it was time to see this method in action. I was struggling to find transparent paper in my near stores and I found one but sticky/with the glue ( similar as duck tape ), but it's transparency was enough for me to try.

What is done:

1. Print two images that will create QR code prepared with on normal paper and on transparent one.

2. Clean the sticky part ( remove the glue from another side )

3. Put the transparent part1 over the part 2 ( no need to be transparent )

4. Check the results


I have already ordered quality transparent plastic paper and for tomorrow and I hope I'll have high quality demo. Also software is almost done and some sketches are started for ultimate design of the super secure printed wallet.


Private key QR extra protection

I got idea for creating a printed wallet where on easy way we can add extra security to it or to make it double secure than any another printed paper wallet.

Example: If we have a paper wallet of 1 BTC and we use it to make a payment from it for let say 0.01 BTC then our paper wallet is mainly vulnerable because we must to reveal the public QR code key. Yup we can set up sticker back but from few usages the sticker will get damaged (check the price of one BTC and calculate how many payments you can do with 1 BTC ). Also if someone get or take a picture of our paper wallet with QR codes then there isn't too much to be done.

How we can add extra security to our paper wallet of QR codes? Take a look into this:

 As you can see there we get the possibility to split up private keys into two parts.
 Now imagine the following:

  •  you have a paper wallets where part of the private key is visible and you don't need to care about it's stolen or pictured 
  • you have one extra transparent card with your own custom structure like one part the two generated images from the and you can use on unlimited number of paper wallets you produce for yourself
  • When you position your card over the private key part, you got private key QR code. 
  • Your phone wallet shouldn't be always filled in with funds
  • Someone to get your funds need to stole your card + your printed wallet.
  • Having only one piece, can't reverse the private key 

Now I'm going to do some print experiments with this technique, share the results with you and ofc. I'll finish the code and publish it for free.

If you like the idea don't forget to support this and another researches like this: